Sunday, December 05, 2004

Papa Bois Comin'

Papa Bois COmln . ."
Papa Bois comin'! Lawd ha' mercy!
Papa bois comin'!
Dey say he looking for La Dia Blesse
Andcouyant wid he too!

Deep in the jungles of, what is, Africa, Long b'fore anyone can remember,
There was Papa Bois,
Dat was ah man, ah tal' solid black man, --
Strai'ht from the mudder land
Skin scorched by the African sun!
Shoulders broad, chest full!
Ah bet he had locks, yea oui
'e was the gua'ddian of de woods
Massa o'er all ah de sa'red forest,
Den crea tures such as monkey, an' lion, Yea even Anansi
From the grass on the plains, To the mightiest trees!
He knew the secrets of it's soil And protected it's treasures! Now the forest was vast
But Papa Bois had help, yuh see Only those who could wear
The cloak of gatekeeper were let in
But only those who outwitted Papas Bois Were ever let out! Yea oui!
In dat forest also lived de innocents, Magical creatures, called douens,
And very few got past, because of them! It was said that they led many
Around and around and around In an aimless trail
That always ended exactly where it began.


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